WCA allows students to choose from one of the following areas of study within the Agriculture program: Animal Science, Plant Science, Food Science, and Power & Structure.
ANIMAL SCIENCE: This program applies the core sciences of biology and chemistry to the study of animal reproduction and genetics, nutrition, anatomy and physiology and animal behavior and husbandry. In this program, students are immersed in all aspects of care for large animals (cows, horses, sheep and pigs), as well as companion and laboratory animals. Instruction occurs not only in the classroom, but in the fields, lab and Ag Barn, where feeding, grooming, handling and cleaning up after animals are all regular activities.
– Advanced Life Science: Animals
– Advanced Life Science: Plants/Soils
– Advanced Life Science: Foods
– Ag Power: Structures & Technology
– Ag Structures Fabrication & Design
– Ag Mechanical & Technology
– Horticulture Science
– Landscape/Turf Management
– Greenhouse/Soilless Production
– Precision Agriculture
– Crop Management
– Agribusiness
CAREERS: Veterinarian, Farmer, Wildlife Conservation, Government Jobs
PLANT SCIENCE: The bases of the program are botany, biology, chemistry, and soil science. With these “building blocks” students study ornamental plants, foods, and other useful plants, and flower production – how they grow and how to keep them pest and disease free. This program places great value on hands-on practice, so students should expect to get a little dirty, designing and installing landscape and garden features, managing the greenhouses and helping out with the campus farm and composting operations. Involvement in horticulture also allows for quite a bit of creativity, because bringing beautiful designs to life requires both scientific and artistic understanding.
– Plant Science
– Advanced Life Science Plants & Soils
– Horticulture Science
– Greenhouse and Soilless Production
– Landscape and Turf Management
CAREERS: Agronomist, Landscape Scientist, Environmental Scientist, Crop Consultant, Golf Course Superintendent
FOOD SCIENCE: Students in this program will start by gaining an understanding of what food is by identifying the
biological and chemical compounds that make foods look the way they do, taste the way they do, and react the way they do when people prepare or process them in various ways. Students will also study the marketing, packaging, and labeling that goes into making foods healthier, tastier and safer for consumers, as well as the political and cultural forces which are at work behind the food choices we all make every day.
– Food Science
– Advanced Life Science Foods
– Crop Management
CAREERS: Food Quality & Microbiology, Food Engineering, Product Development, Food Chemistry, Food Marketing & Sales
– Agribusiness
– Precision Agriculture
– Agriculture Power Structures & Technology
– Agriculture Structures Fabrication & Design