The Whitko School Board regularly meets on the 3rd Monday of each month in the Whitko Career Academy lecture room at 5:30 p.m. School board work sessions are held the Wednesday prior to the school board meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Whitko Career Academy TAP room.
Regularly scheduled school board meetings are broadcast live through Whitko Marketing’s YouTube Channel. To watch previously livestreamed school board meetings, visit the Whitko Marketing YouTube Channel.
Our school board represents both Kosciusko and Whitley counties and includes five townships (Washington, Monroe, and Jackson townships in Kosciusko County, and Richland and Cleveland townships in Whitley County).
Helpful information, forms, and legal documents are available below.
School Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes from previous years available in the drop down menu below.
- The School Board requests new agenda items be submitted to the Central Office by the first of the month for approval to be discussed in the Regular Session of that month.
- All Board claims are due to the Central Office by the first of the month.
- If you have items or presentations that you would like to share with the School Board, please contact the Central Office by the first of the month to share your interest and begin the process.
- Student of the Month selections must be submitted to the Central Office by the 25th of the month prior to the Board Meeting.
Regular board meetings are open to the public and media and are held on the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Whitko Career Academy Lecture Room, unless otherwise advertised.
Board work sessions are open to the public and media and are held on the Wednesday prior to the school board meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Whitko Career Academy TAP room, unless otherwise advertised. Work Session topics and locations are determined by the board and/or Superintendent.
Special meetings are similar to a Regular Session, but held as necessary. Special Meetings are open to the public.
Executive sessions are closed to the public and can only be held only for reasons which are regulated by the Public Access Counselor. No action is ever taken by the board in any executive session.