South Whitley Elementary Book Fair
South Whitley Elementary Book Fair Oct 10- Oct 14 click on the link to preview books from the fair and E-wallet Family night will take place on Wednesday Oct…
South Whitley Elementary Book Fair Oct 10- Oct 14 click on the link to preview books from the fair and E-wallet Family night will take place on Wednesday Oct…
Pierceton Elementary is hosting a Fall Festival on Saturday September 24th from 3:00pm -7:00pm The PES PTO is still looking for volunteers. If you wish to volunteer, you must complete…
PES will be celebrating by creating a "school dot" Imagine the power and potential of millions of people around the world connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires…
Every year the Kindergarten spends several weeks learning about colors. On Wednesdays we ask that all of Pierceton Elementary dress in the color of the week, so that the kindergarten…